Wednesday 20 July 2011

Computer Arts Projects July 2011

Computer Arts Projects July 2011
Computer Arts Projects July 2011

Computer Arts Projects July 2011 Whether you’re an illustrator yourself, or you’re more involved in the commissioning or collaboration side of things, this issue is absolutely jam-packed with all the advice, technique and inspiration you need to be more commercially successful. The boundaries between illustration and graphic design are in constant flux, and many of you will straddle both camps. Either way, it certainly pays to have an awareness of the whole creative process.
First up, we’ve explored the ins and outs of the commissioning process from both sides of the table, walking through a selection of cool creative projects – from initial ideas through to final solutions – as well as distilling some pearls of wisdom for responding to creative briefs, and dealing with client feedback and amends.
We’ve also gone into depth on two equally on-trend styles at opposite ends of the spectrum: glossy 3D, and traditional pen-and-ink. If you’re keen to boost your skillset and get into the former, you’ll find a two-part video introduction to Cinema 4D on your cover disc, as well as an abstract illustration tutorial in the mag, courtesy of Colors And The Kids. If the latter is more your bag, you’ll find plenty of inky inspirations here too, as well as some great tips and tricks for colouring up simple linework in Photoshop.
Next month, get your Pantone books out for an issue dedicated to the practical side of print design. From pro advice on mastering grids, type and pre-flighting to an in-depth guide on best-practice use of stocks, inks and special finishes – not to mention how much it all costs – it’s an essential reference guide for any designer.
Computer Arts Projects July 2011


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