Tuesday 26 July 2011

IT IceTabs

IT IceTabs
IT IceTabs
IT IceTabs module marks another immense milestone at IceTheme. We can say without any single doubt that this module is one of the best ever built Joomla Extensions by our club and also on all the Joomla! market as well. But... why?!
IT IceTabs First let's describe what is the scope of the IceTab module.
IceTab module can display any content/banner/images/K2/VirtueMart information with a smooth and nice interface based on the tabular interface. So to describe more clearly, you may display your Joomla content and this is the primary scope of this module but you may easily use it to be a image gallery by switching to the "image" mode. Also you may use to display content from the popular K2 extension an to display products from the VirtueMart extension. The IceTab module is bult-in all parameters needed so that you have the possibility to adjust perfectly in the way you like.
IT IceTabs Unique Features
* Display anything by changing mode to content/banner/image/K2/VirtueMart
* Suit easily to your website layout by choosing various pre-built themes
* Customize the module in the way you like from module parameters
IT IceTabs Quote:
IT IceTabs Download
IT IceTabs


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